Posting Policies is to help people find good, safe and caring homes for their pets as well as find accessories and services related to owning pets.
In keeping with the spirit of this category, and in order to protect animal welfare and uphold Canadian laws, please respect the following rules when posting an ad on
- The Animal Pedigree Act makes it a federal offense to sell an animal of a recognized breed as, purebred, registered, or eligible to be registered if it is not.
- The term “purebred” is a confirmation of genetic background and adherence to breed characteristics, in accordance with the requirements of the Act and the by-laws of the authorized breed association. When posting your ad, this means that you can only advertise your animal as purebred if it applies to this definition.
- The term “registered” is confirmation that all the rules of eligibility of the authorized breed association in Canada have been met.
- If an animal of a recognized breed is sold as purebred, registered or eligible to be registered, the seller is obligated to provide a duly transferred certificate of registration to the buyer not later than six months after the sale.
- As we cannot provide the proper screening and education required to the potential owners of these animals, only accepts ads for these breeds posted by recognized animal shelters and rescues anywhere in Canada.
- does not allow the sale of cats or dogs by Pet Stores. All other animals however are acceptable.
- does not allow any ads that offer tail docking, cat declawing and/or ear cropping services. Animals that have previously undergone such a medical procedure may still be rehomed.
- does not allow the sale of any pregnant domestic animals (dogs/cats).
- Any pet(s) being advertised must be owned by the individual rehoming the pet. does not allow the advertising of animals bought from third parties for the purpose of selling.